Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Back and in business

Well, my fervent readers (thanks again you two), I'm back and better than ever. Or, I really should say, my computer's better than ever ... I'm as well as can be expected. Seems I was having a heat sink problem, but it's all better now. Anyhow, I thought I'd get you up to date on my quest for the elusive magazine writing gig. So far, I've sent out about 30 queries and received about 10 rejections. I know they come with the territory, but it doesn't make it that much easier to take. I mean, I know I'm good, but then, what writer doesn't think he or she's good. I try to balance the doubts with my memories of those people in the know who actually liked my stuff and took a chance on me. If they had faith, I guess I should too. I have always wanted to be a talented writer. Not even a rich and famous one (though that would be nice) but, a talented writer that other people read and said, "Shit, that was good" or "Damn, that gave me something to think about". I'm particularly fond of the writers for the Sopranos and David Milch of Deadwood just knocks my socks off. I even love some comic writers, like Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Miller. Can't get enough of that "film noir" stuff. As for the really old ones I love Anne Rice (I know she's not that old) the works of Tenessee Williams and, basically, anyone else who was seriously troubled as a child or came from a crappy backround and knows how to write about it and write about it well. Someday, I hope to be that good. Maybe. Anyhow, the computer's back, so my rants are back and, TA-DA, my poker is back. I'm on my way to a tournament right now so have to say bye. As I said at the start, you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Oh, who am I kidding. I'll keep writing no matter what.

1 comment:

bubba's house said...

I just want to say I appreciate all the comments I've been receiving. Blogging can be a lonely life, if no one reads your stuff. Honestly, it's one of the most cathartic and selfish experiences one can have on their own, but it's so much better when you can share your vanity with those who get it and enjoy it. I hope you keep reading and, as always, I'll keep ranting.