Sunday, February 19, 2006

E-bay's the place for me ...

Before I start talking about my new addictions (nilla wafers and e-bay), I want to make one comment about "A Million Little Pieces", the book that Oprah was suckered by. Well, I gotta tell ya ... so was I. I think it had something to do with the desperation in his descriptions. As someone whose been there and done that, you feel this guy's pain with every word. True, some of that stuff (like no local anestesia during root canal and confronting a crack dealer when looking for his girlfriend ... unarmed) was a "tad" far-fetched, but I think the addict in all those of us who read the book, wanted it to be true. In my life, I have read many, what I like to call, "junkie" books. Starting, at age 10, with "D0wn These Mean Streets" thru William Burrough's "junkie" and "naked lunch" to Jim Carroll's "Basketball Diaries". All of these were brutal and gritty and depressing and everything a junkie's life really is and, again, I felt their pain. So, anyway, my point is whether James Frey was ever a junkie or just someone who dabbled, it makes no real difference to me. Anyone who can write like that either knew someone who was or has felt the pain himself, and either way, I say, it gives him the right to write about it. Even if he did commit the most horrible crime in the world and lie to Oprah. Afterall, Oprah is God. And, now to my new addictions for this week ... drumroll please ... I am now hooked on "Nilla" wafers and E-bay. The first is due to my diet (hoping to drop the 30 pounds quitting smoking has given me) and the second is to occupy my mind away from the first. According to my box of "Reduced Fat" Nilla wafers, I can eat 9 cookies for only 140 calories. Not bad, I thought, except I wind up eating the whole box in about two sittings. So much for the diet. As for E-bay, I woke up one day, looked around the house, and said "My God, this is e-bay heaven". Let me explain, my husband and I collect things. He's been collecting comics for over 30 something years and I collect anything else (dolls, books, magazines, old bills, broken snowglobes ... I know, I know ... I'm a pack-rack and I have a sickness). Anyhow, with business slow and money going out, but not coming in, I figured, what better time than now to try and sell it all. Funny thing, though, when we started getting questions about some comics I put up, my husband, to no one's surprise, was not happy and found every excuse not to sell (they don't appreciate them, that's not enough money, what it they go up in price after we dump them). God bless him, God bless men. They're worse than women when it comes to their things. They don't understand our feelings, and we can't understand their obsessions. Matches made in hell. But, what can I do ... I love the guy and I'll still sell his stuff. It's not like I really want to see my dolls in anyone else's hands. So, anyhow, if I'm not around as much as I usually am, you can always find me at Cute name, don't you think?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Back and in business

Well, my fervent readers (thanks again you two), I'm back and better than ever. Or, I really should say, my computer's better than ever ... I'm as well as can be expected. Seems I was having a heat sink problem, but it's all better now. Anyhow, I thought I'd get you up to date on my quest for the elusive magazine writing gig. So far, I've sent out about 30 queries and received about 10 rejections. I know they come with the territory, but it doesn't make it that much easier to take. I mean, I know I'm good, but then, what writer doesn't think he or she's good. I try to balance the doubts with my memories of those people in the know who actually liked my stuff and took a chance on me. If they had faith, I guess I should too. I have always wanted to be a talented writer. Not even a rich and famous one (though that would be nice) but, a talented writer that other people read and said, "Shit, that was good" or "Damn, that gave me something to think about". I'm particularly fond of the writers for the Sopranos and David Milch of Deadwood just knocks my socks off. I even love some comic writers, like Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Miller. Can't get enough of that "film noir" stuff. As for the really old ones I love Anne Rice (I know she's not that old) the works of Tenessee Williams and, basically, anyone else who was seriously troubled as a child or came from a crappy backround and knows how to write about it and write about it well. Someday, I hope to be that good. Maybe. Anyhow, the computer's back, so my rants are back and, TA-DA, my poker is back. I'm on my way to a tournament right now so have to say bye. As I said at the start, you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Oh, who am I kidding. I'll keep writing no matter what.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

one more thing ...

I forgot ... I promised someone I'd tell my readers (all 2 of you) about a couple of sites he has going. I'm not endorsing ... but give them a try. They look like alot of fun if your into poker and sports. And let's face it ... who isn't? Have fun. AND

Computers suck ...

Okay, so I've been gone a few days, let me get you up to date. My niece and her infant left the next day. My husband explained to her that it was too far away from her normal routine and we were scared shitless what with the 130lb monster we call a dog and everything. She understood and, so far so good. As for me, I think I should go to sleep and wake up next year, just to see if it's any better. I mean this is getting ridiculous. First, giving up everything that gave me reason to live, second, all the trouble with the kids, third, my husbands health problems, fourth, my nieces personal problems, and, now, last but never least, my lap-top (that I just got for Christmas) heats up after 10 minutes of use and freezes. Now, since it's under warranty, I've got to send it back for service and will be without it, for a minimum, of 5 - 7 business days. What the hell am I going to do? Without you guys and my poker tournaments, I might as well shoot myself in the head. Who the heck am I going to vent to? If I complain this much to my husband, he'll shoot me and, my Mother, she's got her own problems. No, I'll just have to deal with this like everything else ... lay in bed and moan while I put Compaq's customer service number in speed dial and drive them nuts. And, if that doesn't work, I'll ... I'll ... I'll ... Oh, who am I kidding? I've given up anything worth doing, eating or smoking. I'm screwed.